Vance, Ogles Introduce Bill To Ban China From Participating In American Financial Markets

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced the House companion bill to Senator JD Vance’s legislation to restrict the Chinese government's access to the United States capital markets and exchanges for continued failure to comply with international finance, trade, and commerce laws. As it stands, China has not only violated international finance law but has defaulted on over $1 trillion of debt obligations to the American people. 

“Biden’s weak-on-China policies have made Tennessee’s manufacturers suffer. The CCP’s age-old currency manipulation and refusal to pay American bondholders has damaged our capital markets, and Congress would be remiss in allowing it to continue,” said Congressman Ogles. “If China wants to continue its corrupt trade practices, it can do so elsewhere. I am proud to partner with Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) on this crucial measure to hold China accountable.”

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