Unicoi County Library receives new books thanks to Library of Congress program

ERWIN, Tenn. (WJHL) — Rep. Diana Harshbarger visited the Unicoi County Public Library to donate books from the Library of Congress.

The Unicoi County library lost more than 2,700 books in January due to water damage.

But on Thursday, the library received hundreds of new books thanks to a Library of Congress program that gives books to local libraries.

Library officials were excited about the new books.

“Being able to get a list of free books that we can get, it’s just kind of like Christmas is what it feels like, because it really gives us an opportunity to do something that we’re not normally able to do,” library director Morgan Olson said.

Olson also said the books they received Thursday were new and not replacements.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://harshbarger.house.gov/media/in-the-news/unicoi-county-library-receives-new-books-thanks-library-congress-program