U.S. Rep. Rose Votes to Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas

Washington, DC—Today, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) voted ‘Yes’ on H. Res. 863, Impeaching Secretary Mayorkas, which failed 214-216.

Rep. Rose delivered the following remarks in a speech on the House Floor:

“Madam Speaker, Secretary Mayorkas swore an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, it seems as though he hasn’t defended it from a single one. Since President Biden took office, there have been more than seven million illegal encounters at our Southern Border. Not once has Secretary Mayorkas issued a statement, signed a policy, or taken action to discourage this from happening. In fact, he has doubled down and encouraged the invasion by endorsing catch-and-release policies, ending Title 42, and stopping ‘Remain in Mexico.’

“This subversion of our constitution, willful disregard for our country’s laws, and unfettered dedication to exacerbating this self-inflicted crisis have left the House with no other option than to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. Madam Speaker, I urge the House to join me in voting to impeach Secretary Mayorkas and urge the Senate to remove him from his position.”

Watch his remarks here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-rose-votes-impeach-dhs-secretary-mayorkas