U.S. Rep. Rose Votes ‘NO’ on Continuing Biden-Pelosi-Schumer Spending

Washington, DCU.S. Representative John Rose released the following statement after voting ‘NO’ on H.R. 6363, Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extension Act:

“Tennesseans did not send me to Washington to continue spending their tax dollars at levels rubber-stamped by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden,” said Rep. Rose. “Tennesseans shouldn’t be forced to pay for Washington’s dysfunction, which is why I voted ‘NO’ on the continuing resolution. I remain committed to continuing our work on the twelve single-subject appropriations bills. I have voted ‘YES’ on all eight that have come to the House Floor, to deliver commonsense fiscal reforms for my constituents and the American people that get our country’s dire financial situation back on track.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-rose-votes-no-continuing-biden-pelosi-schumer-spending