U.S. Rep. Rose Supports “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act”

Washington, DC—Wednesday, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) voted ‘Yes’ on H.R. 7204, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act,” which passed the House 357-70. The “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act” permanently extends and revises several Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 provisions for businesses, such as the 100% bonus depreciation and the Research and Development deduction. The bill also revises and expands the Child Tax Credit through 2025.

Rep. Rose released the following statement:

“Our tax code should encourage American innovation that makes our country the best place to start and build a business,” said Rep. Rose. “The ‘Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act’ does exactly that while providing much-needed tax relief for Tennessee families with children. I am proud to support this commonsense and bipartisan bill and applaud leaders of the Ways and Means Committee who worked tirelessly to get this bill across the finish line in the House.”

Read more about H.R. 7204, the “Tax Relief for American Families Act,” here.

Organizations in support of the legislation’s passage include: American and Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, FreedomWorks, America First Policy Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, National Taxpayers Union.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-rose-supports-tax-relief-american-families-and-workers-act