U.S. Rep. Rose Submits Amendment to Continuing Resolution to Prevent FBI Director from Using Taxpayer-Funded Jet

WASHINGTON, D.C—Today, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) introduced an amendment to H.R. 5525, Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024, that would prevent the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from using taxpayer funds for air travel via enormously expensive jet aircraft.

U.S. Rep. John Rose released the following statement:

“FBI Director Wray has abused taxpayer funds to fly privately around the world for far too long. It’s time Congress ended this disgraceful use of taxpayer dollars. My amendment sends a clear message to the FBI Director that the American People aren’t the ones that should be funding Biden Administration officials’ lavish lifestyles.”

You can read the full text of the amendment here.

Read more about this issue here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-rose-submits-amendment-continuing-resolution-prevent-fbi-director-using