U.S. Rep. Rose Slams FBI for No Response to Covenant Inquiry

WASHINGTON, D.C—Today, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) issued a statement after finally receiving a response to his letter to the FBI, dated April 26, regarding the Covenant School shooting.

U.S. Rep. John Rose released the following statement:

“The FBI took an unacceptable length of time - five months - to answer my letter relating to the horrible Covenant School shootings, and the nine-sentence reply was neither comprehensive in nature nor responsive to my questions in any substantive way. Such a response is insulting to my constituents and completely unhelpful to anyone personally connected with the shooting tragedy and in need of answers,” said Rep. Rose. “As a Member of Congress, it is my duty to ask our taxpayer-funded federal authorities like the FBI tough questions on behalf of the people of Tennessee whom I represent. But it is also their duty to make a good faith effort to adequately respond to such queries, and in this case, the FBI failed miserably.” 


On April 26, 2022, Rep. Rose sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting that the materials seized in relation to the Covenant School shooting be released without delay. If that was not possible, Rep. Rose requested a written explanation and timeline as to when this information could be released.

Read Rep. Rose’s full letter here.

On October 13, 2022, more than five months after receiving Rep. Rose’s letter, the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs responded, “We apologize for our delay… The FBI would therefore respectfully refer you to the MNPD.”

Read the FBI’s response here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-rose-slams-fbi-no-response-covenant-inquiry