U.S. Rep. Rose Criticizes President Biden for “Out-of-Touch” State of the Union Address

Washington, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) released the following statement after attending tonight’s State of the Union address.

“What we witnessed tonight was a continuation of the spin and misrepresentations that we’ve come to expect from the White House every week,” Rep. Rose said. “To boast about the so-called ‘progress’ under this administration as the nation faces historic inflation, rampant crime, an overwhelmed border, and numerous threats abroad tells us President Biden is completely out-of-touch with the Tennesseans I represent. The state of our union has certainly seen better days, but I will work every day to promote the policies that make our nation a freer and more prosperous country again.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-rose-criticizes-president-biden-out-touch-state-union-address