U.S. Rep. John Rose Statement on FISA Reauthorization Amendment

Washington, DC—Today, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) released the following statement after reports that the House Rules Committee intends to consider a FISA Reauthorization bill that adopted similar language to a Rep. Rose amendment, shrinking the reauthorization period from five years to two.

“The FISA Section 702 program is badly broken and in desperate need of substantial reform,” said Rep. Rose. “Shrinking the reauthorization period from five years to two, which is what my proposed amendment does, will allow for more transparency and accountability of the executive branch and agencies utilizing Section 702 of FISA. It will also set the stage in two years to allow President Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress to finally fix the broken FISA program to restore Americans’ Fourth Amendment right to privacy. I am glad Speaker Johnson recognizes the dire need for this important reform, and I am proud to have played a role in improving this important national security tool.” 

Read Rep. Rose’s amendment here.

U.S. Representative John Rose is currently serving his third term representing Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District and resides in Cookeville with his wife, Chelsea, and their two sons, Guy and Sam. The Sixth District includes Cannon, Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, Van Buren, and White counties as well as portions of Davidson, Scott, Warren, and Wilson counties. Representative Rose is an eighth-generation farmer, small business owner, and attorney, and currently serves on the House Financial Services Committee and House Agriculture Committee

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-rep-john-rose-statement-fisa-reauthorization-amendment