U.S. House Passes Bill to Protect Free Speech with Two of Rep. Rose’s Amendments to Increase and Improve Transparency and Accountability

Washington, DC—Today,H.R. 140, the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act, by a vote of 219-206. The bill aims to reaffirm the American people’s freedom of speech under the First Amendment by prohibiting federal employees from engaging in activity that limits free speech. Included in the final version of the bill are two amendments introduced by Rep. Rose that passed by voice votes.

Rep. Rose’s amendments would require federal employees to undergo an annual training on the requirements of the underlying bill and express the sense of the Congress that inspector generals should submit reports on infractions to H.R. 140 and other information related to the bill.

U.S. Rep. John Rose (TN-06) released the following statement:

“Free speech is the cornerstone of a free and thriving society, and our Founding Fathers fought hard to enshrine the right to free speech in our constitution,” said Rep. Rose. “As social media companies and Big Tech corporations collude with rogue federal officials to censor and de-platform U.S. citizens—including Members of Congress and conservative voices—we must do everything we can to fight to protect the First Amendment for everyone. I was proud to support H.R. 140, and I am thankful my two amendments to increase and improve transparency and accountability were included in final passage.” 

Rep. Rose spoke in support of H.R. 140 on the House Floor. Watch his remarks here.

He also oversaw debate on his amendments on the House Floor. Watch the proceedings here

Read the full text of Rep. Rose’s amendments here and here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://johnrose.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-house-passes-bill-protect-free-speech-two-rep-roses-amendments-increase-and