U.S. Congressman Jared Moskowitz joins Tim Burchett to discuss Israel on Tennessee Talks

WASHINGTON, D.C., (December 13, 2023) – On the latest episode of Tennessee Talks, Democrat U.S. Congressman Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) joined Rep. Burchett to discuss the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas and why supporting our Israeli allies should be a bipartisan issue.

“Jared is a member of the Jewish community and I consider him a good friend,” said Rep. Burchett. “He’s also got an incredibly analytical mind, and he has a valuable perspective on this conflict and how we should respond. It was an honor to get him to talk with me on the podcast about something so current and important.”

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://burchett.house.gov/media/press-releases/us-congressman-jared-moskowitz-joins-tim-burchett-discuss-israel-tennessee