TVA Delays IRP after Reps. Burchett, Cohen introduce bill to regulate plan

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., (March 28, 2024) – Yesterday, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) received a letter from President and CEO of the Tennessee Valley AuthorityJeff Lyash informing him that the TVA is delaying the publication of its Integrated Resource Program (IRP). According to Lyash, this delay will provide TVA with additional time for analysis, review, and stakeholder engagement.

This letter comes after Reps. Burchett and Cohen introduced the TVA Increase Rate of Participation (IRP) Act on March 8, 2024. This bill would require greater transparency and accountability in the Tennessee Valley Authority’s IRP process. The full text of the bill can be found here.

“I’m glad to see TVA taking this matter seriously. I encourage TVA to use this time to prioritize increasing transparency with its stakeholders and providing more ways for them to offer input in TVA’s decision-making process.” Said Rep. Burchett.

In the letter, Lyash said, “Due to the important and complex nature of this effort, we are continuing to work on the draft IRP with additional time for analysis, review and stakeholder engagement. Careful consideration of potential future regulation, rapidly shifting demand growth, technology innovation, climate issues and costs will ensure TVA is best prepared for the future in this dynamic environment. Once the draft IRP is released, we will hold open house meetings in all seven states TVA serves to continue to gather public input, and to supplement other existing forums for the public to engage with us.”

The full letter from Lyash can be found here.

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