TIM RUDD: Unprecedented growth requires an efficient and reliable transportation network

As we enter a new year and a new session of the Tennessee General Assembly, I’m incredibly grateful for the privilege of serving the people of House District 34.

During my years of service, my commitment to improving the quality of life for all who live in Rutherford County has remained steadfast.

I believe Tennessee is the best state in the nation to raise a family and grow a business. So it should come as no surprise that the Volunteer State is a popular destination for families and businesses who desire to live in a conservative state with low taxes and greater opportunities.

For the last decade, Tennessee has experienced unprecedented economic growth. This growth has generated record revenues which, combined with our state being the most conservative-managed in the nation, has enabled us to cut taxes by more than $2.5 billion.

Strong growth demands strong infrastructure and improved mobility for citizens. The General Assembly passed the IMPROVE Act in 2017, representing one of the largest tax cuts in state history. The legislation is set to deliver 962 road and bridge projects in each county and enhance Tennessee’s transportation network by making it safer and more reliable. 

Traffic increased 60% in the Murfreesboro-Rutherford County portions of I-24 between 2005 and now, according to the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). To help with this strain, TDOT is developing a Smart Corridor between Murfreesboro and Nashville, partially funded by the IMPROVE Act.

The integrated corridor management system of the project was launched in June 2023 and has already received positive feedback. TDOT is currently in phase 2 of the plan, which will integrate arterial roadways to improve traffic flow.

The General Assembly passed another historic transportation bill last year called the Transportation Modernization Act, which invested $3.3 billion to fund critical infrastructure projects across the state. In December, TDOT announced a ten-year plan to improve Tennessee’s roads and accelerate IMPROVE Act projects. The $15 billion plan includes funding for five Rutherford County-specific projects totaling $264.8 million, which I expect will make our roads safer and more efficient.

The General Assembly has worked hard to make our roads the best in the country and these efforts have paid off. According to U.S. News and World Report, the Volunteer State ranks No. 1 in road quality in the entire country. As a member of the Transportation Committee, I’m extremely proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish and I know we will continue passing legislation this year to improve our transportation network.

I’m thankful to the many TDOT employees who worked hard clearing roads and helping drivers during the recent winter storm. I know they will do a great job filling the potholes created by the inclement weather.

It is no coincidence that Tennessee is thriving: Our conservative values, fiscal responsibility, and common-sense policies have allowed us to prosper. We must stay on this trajectory, which is why I will work hard to continue finding ways to make our state the prime example of good governance.

It’s been the greatest honor to serve the people of District 34 in the legislature. Our community’s success is important to me, and I look forward to working hard for you again this year.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://tnhousegop.org/tim-rudd-unprecedented-growth-requires-an-efficient-and-reliable-transportation-network/