Tennessee Congressman John Rose talks Farm Bill, Financial Services Committee with Rep. Burchett on latest episode of Tennessee Talks

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Mar. 8, 2023) – On the latest episode of Tennessee Talks, U.S. Congressman John Rose (TN-06) joined Rep. Tim Burchett (TN-02) to talk about what he is hearing from farmers back home, and about his work on the House Financial Services Committee. 

“Tennessee Talks don’t get more Tennessean than this,” said Rep. Burchett. “John’s a good friend of mine who really cares about our farmers, both our present farmers and future generations. And he’s smart as a whip on top of it all.” 

Rep. Rose is serving his third term in Congress representing Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District. He grew up on his 230-year-old family farm in Cookeville, TN, and he still lives in Cookeville with his wife Chelsea and their two sons, Guy and Sam. He shares Rep. Burchett’s passion for fiscal responsibility and all things Tennessee.  

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://burchett.house.gov/media/press-releases/tennessee-congressman-john-rose-talks-farm-bill-financial-services-committee