Statement From Senator Blackburn On Crime Vote

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) released the following statement on tonight’s crime vote in the Senate:

“Joe Biden and the Democrats enabled this rise in violent crime by pushing to defund the police, electing weak-on-crime prosecutors, and nominating inexperienced judges. Now, crime is at a 25-year-high across the country, as we experience record-high homicides, carjackings, and assaults. Amid this, DC Democrats thought it was a good idea to slash penalties for carjackers and other criminals. Citizens should not feel unsafe in their community – whether in DC, Memphis, or Knoxville – and today’s vote helps ensure the problem doesn’t get worse. We need to be fully funding our police departments and implementing laws that keep drugs, gangs, and violent criminals off the streets.” – Senator Blackburn

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