Statement from Gov. Bill Lee

Statement from Gov. Bill Lee

Thursday, February 02, 2023 | 07:54am

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee released the following statement:

“Maria and I are grateful for the outpouring of prayers and support we have received since her lymphoma diagnosis last August. The first phase of treatment went well, and we thank the medical team for their exceptional care and commitment. Later this month, Maria will begin the next phase of treatment, as she prepares to undergo a bone marrow transplant. While there are difficult days ahead, Maria and I have great trust in the Lord. We too are praying that God brings peace and comfort to all Tennesseans who are facing challenges in their own lives.”


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We rejoice in this positive news and will continue to be in prayer for Maria as she continues her battle.

Wonderful News! So glad to hear the first phases went well. My thoughts will be with you and your family as Maria is preparing for a bone marrow transplant.

While there is a long road ahead, I rejoice that these first steps went well. We’re praying for you.