State Rep. Ron Gant helps secure $1 million for Fayette County Airport expansion

State Rep. Ron Gant, R-Piperton, today announced that $1 million in state funds have been secured to expand the Fayette County Airport in Somerville and support future economic growth.

The grant, provided by the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s (TDOT) Aeronautics Economic Development Fund, will be used to build a new commercial aircraft hangar and office space at the airport. The project will also allow for the expansion of an on-site flight school.

“The Fayette County Airport is an incredible asset for travel and economic development in our community,” Gant said. “This expansion will benefit residents and businesses throughout West Tennessee. I appreciate TDOT’s partnership in helping us secure this investment for the airport and its future.”

An additional 19 full-time employees and four part-time employees are expected to be hired at the airport by 2024.

The project will also support the region’s growing economy, including Ford Motor Company’s Blue Oval City in neighboring Haywood County. The $5.6 billion battery and vehicle manufacturing campus will be the single-largest economic development investment in state history, resulting in 5,800 new jobs in West Tennessee. An additional 21,300 indirect and induced jobs are also expected to be added statewide as a result.

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