State Rep. Monty Fritts encourages Tennesseans to participate in Month of Prayer and Fasting

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — State Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, asks Tennesseans, who are physically able and spiritually inclined to do so, to join him in a Month of Prayer and Fasting.

House Joint Resolution 803, signed by Gov. Bill Lee in April, designates the month of July as a time of prayer and intermittent fasting in the state. The resolution seeks God’s hand of mercy and healing due to the increase of violence, drug addiction and brokenness in many homes across Tennessee and our nation.

“I hope Tennesseans will join me during this time of prayer, seeking God’s face and repentance,” Fritts said. “This month, I ask that the Lord Jesus heal our land by removing the violence, addiction, human trafficking and corruption that plague our state and our nation. My hope is that the Holy Spirit fills all of our lives with peace, love and joy.” 

How does this work?

  • Read HJR803 during a church service
  • Examine our lives in light of God’s Word and confess our sins
  • Ask for His forgiveness and mercy, and commit to stand firmly on the principles of God
  • Join in prayer and intermittent fasting as a means of demonstrating our desire for repentance

Beginning July 1, Rep. Fritts and co-sponsor Senator Mark Pody, R-Lebanon, plan to visit all 95 counties in Tennessee. They will visit courthouses and places of worship to read the resolution, profess the need for repentance and join in prayer together.

For more information on the resolution, when they plan to visit your county and more, visit the Pray4TN website

Monty Fritts represents District 32, which includes parts of Loudon and Roane Counties.

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