State Rep. Monty Fritts announces $13,000 grant for Roane Choral Society

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, announced $13,000 in grant funding was awarded to the Roane Choral Society from the Tennessee Arts Commission.

Area nonprofit organizations, schools and local governments across the state were given grants through the commission’s annual grant program.

“Groups like the Roane Choral Society provide a sense of community and bring joy to those around them,” Fritts said. “I’m thankful to the Tennessee Arts Commission for providing this grant, which will allow them to continue entertaining for years to come.” 

Roane Choral Society is a community chorus that provides singing opportunities for adults and children. They host performances in Roane County and the surrounding areas. The chorus has performed a wide variety of choral music in East Tennessee since 1972.

“Tennessee is fortunate to have elected leaders who understand the positive impact arts and culture have on Tennesseans and their communities,” said Anne B. Pope, Executive Director for the Tennessee Arts Commission. “Arts and culture are vital tools for attracting and retaining businesses and help build stronger communities by enhancing the distinctive character of Tennessee places.”

The commission says they anticipate awarding approximately 1,000 grants, totaling up to $12 million, in both rural and urban communities in all 95 counties throughout the next year. The allocation process involves a review by citizen advisory panels with expertise in various arts disciplines and a review by the full commission.

Tennessee’s nonprofit arts and culture industry generates $1.4 billion in annual economic activity and strengthens quality of life, economic vitality, tourism and arts learning for people of all ages.

The Tennessee Arts Commission’s mission is to cultivate the arts for the benefit of all Tennesseans and their communities. 

For more information on the Tennessee Arts Commission and their grant opportunities, click here

State Rep. Monty Fritts represents District 32 which includes parts of Loudon and Roane Counties.

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