State Rep. Dennis Powers secures $10K to address flooding issues in Campbell County

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — State Rep. Dennis Powers, R-Jacksboro, has secured $10,000 in state funding for the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency (TWRA) to address flooding issues caused by beavers in the White Oak community.

The funds will allow the TWRA and local representatives from the USDA Forest Service to humanely relocate the beavers and remove the dams to eliminate the water flow issues.

“Beaver dams have been causing issues for farmers and residents in the community for several years,” Powers said. “I know the professionals at the TWRA and the Forest Service will ensure that no animals are harmed during the removal of the dams. They’ll make sure the job is done safely and properly.”  

After local mining areas were reclaimed, many beavers were relocated and overpopulated the area. Citizens have tried to remove the dams themselves, but the beavers just continue to build new ones.  

“I’m grateful we were able to secure these funds, and will soon resolve this issue,” Powers said. “Thank you to my colleagues in the General Assembly for supporting our community.”

The mission of the TWRA is to preserve, conserve, manage, protect and enhance the fish and wildlife of the state and their habitats for the use, benefit and enjoyment of the citizens of Tennessee and its visitors. The agency fosters the safe use of the state’s waters through a program of law enforcement, education and access.

The appropriated funds are part of a $52.8 billion zero-debt balanced budget passed by the General Assembly in April. Republican priorities included making significant investments in health care, public safety, education and rural economic development.  

Dennis Powers represents District 36 which includes Campbell, Union and part of Claiborne Counties. He serves as the Chairman of the Banking & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee. He also serves as a member of the Commerce Committee, State Government Committee, Transportation Committee and Public Service Committee.

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