Speaker Pro Tempore Pat Marsh announces $2.5M grant award for Shelbyville park expansion

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Speaker Pro Tempore Pat Marsh, R-Shelbyville, announced $2,500,000 in state funding was awarded for an expansion of H.V. Griffin Park.  

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) will administer the grants through the Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF), which was approved by the 113th General Assembly this year in the 2024-25 state budget.

“H.V. Griffin Park has been prominent in the Shelbyville community for many years, hosting numerous sporting events and providing a space for citizens to be active,” Marsh said. “I’m thrilled to see this expansion finally come to life and I look forward to seeing even more athletic events held there in the near future. Congratulations to the city for receiving this funding, and I thank the leaders at TDEC for supporting our community.”

Shelbyville city leaders plan to use the funds to begin phase I of the park expansions. According to the master plan, the park will be adding six full-size soccer fields, additional baseball fields and tennis courts, along with expanding the current skate park, aquatic center and disk golf course. They also plan to add a 1,160-space parking lot between the baseball and soccer fields.

The LPRF program provides state funding to match local government investments for recreation projects and the purchase of land for parks, natural areas, greenways and recreational facilities.

For more information on the LPRF program and how to apply, visit the Office of Outdoor Recreation website at https://www.tn.gov/environment/outdoorrec.html.

Pat Marsh represents District 62 which includes Bedford, Moore and part of Lincoln Counties.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://tnhousegop.org/speaker-pro-tempore-pat-marsh-announces-2-5m-grant-award-for-shelbyville-park-expansion/