Reps. Kustoff, Miller, Lawler Introduce Bill Urging Biden to Confirm No Aid Will Go to Hamas

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Reps. David Kustoff (R-TN), Max Miller (R-OH), and Mike Lawler (R-NY) introduced the Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act in the House of Representatives. This bill will ensure that no American taxpayer dollars will be authorized to Gaza until President Joe Biden ensures Congress these funds will not benefit terrorist organizations, such as Hamas.

"It is imperative that no American taxpayer dollars fall in the hands of terrorists, such as Hamas, who call for the destruction of the State of Israel," said Congressman Kustoff. "I urge President Biden to confirm with Congress that no aid going to Gaza will end up in the hands of Hamas." 
“Time and again, well-intentioned American and Israeli aid is stolen out of the hands of innocents and used to fund HAMAS’s brutal terror campaigns,” said Congressman Miller. “These barbaric savages should have ZERO claim to American taxpayer dollars. This legislation must be brought forward immediately.”
“The United States cannot subsidize terrorism. That is why for weeks I have called for the enforcement of the Taylor Force Act to stop prevent aid to the Palestinian Authority while it continues to pay the families of terrorists and it is why I said from the start that the $6 billion Iran deal never should have happened. The Palestinian Authority is already giving nearly $3 million to the families of Hamas terrorists who massacred Israeli civilians, including women, children, Holocaust survivors, and babies. With President Biden’s announcement of $100 million in humanitarian assistance to Gaza and the West Bank, it is critical that we ensure not a single cent of this money goes into the hands of Hamas terrorists. The Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act will ensure these funds are not disbursed until that fact can be verified," said Congressman Lawler.

The Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act will:

  • Prohibit funds from being authorized for expenditure in the territory of Gaza until the president certifies to the appropriate congressional committees that U.S. funds can be expended without benefitting organizations and persons who are members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or any other terrorist organization as identified by U.S. law, nor controlled or influenced by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or any other terrorist organization as identified by U.S. law.
  • Ensures U.S. funds are not authorized for expenditure in the territory of Gaza through any United Nations entity or office that the President cannot certify is not encouraging or teaching anti-Israel and anti-Semitic ideas and propaganda.

This legislation was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senators Rick Scott (F-FL), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), and Mike Braun (R-IN).

Click here to read the full text of the bill. 


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