Rep. Tom Leatherwood announces $1.25M in grants to improve parks in Shelby Co

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Tom Leatherwood, R-Arlington, today announced $1.25 million in state funding for Forrest Street Park and Shadowlawn Park in Shelby County.

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) will administer the grants through the Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF), which was approved by members of the Tennessee General Assembly this year in the 2024-25 state budget.

“Forrest Street Park and Shadowlawn Park are great spots offering several recreational opportunities for residents,” Leatherwood said. “I congratulate the leaders of Arlington and Bartlett for working hard to secure this important funding and I look forward to the incredible impact these projects will have in our community.”

The town of Arlington received $500,000 for improvements at Forrest Street Park, including the purchase and installation of sports lighting at existing multi-purpose fields. The grant will help cover components and materials, as well as the addition of electrical infrastructure to meet the increased power demand of fifteen pole locations accommodating seven fields.

The city of Bartlett received $750,000 to benefit Shadowlawn Park. The funds will go toward the construction of a new restroom and concessions building to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); new ADA-compliant pathways; installation of accessible playground equipment; full-depth reclamation of the existing parking lot; new ADA-compliant parking spots; and additional parking. 

City and county governments can receive LPRF grants for trail development and capital projects in parks, greenways and natural areas. Additionally, the funds can be used to purchase land for eligible projects. The state’s funding matches local government investments to help expand access to outdoor opportunities and improve quality of life for Tennesseans.

More than $21 million in grants to 27 communities across Tennessee was allocated by the LPRF. For more information on the grant program, please visit:

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