Rep. Todd Warner announces $300K Downtown Improvement Grant for Lewisburg

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Todd Warner, R-Chapel Hill, announced today that Lewisburg will receive a $300,000 Downtown Improvement Grant from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development.

The grant will go toward improving eight building exteriors in Downtown Lewisburg. It’s part of more than $4 million in funding that was recently awarded to support similar improvements in 16 other Downtowns and Main Street communities across the state. 

“I’m excited to announce this significant investment into Downtown Lewisburg,” Warner said. “The area is vital to our community and Marshall County, and this grant will help continue to make Lewisburg a great place to live and visit. I appreciate the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s partnership in getting Lewisburg these much-deserved funds.”

To be eligible for a Downtown Improvement Grant, applicants had to be a designated Tennessee Downtowns or Tennessee Main Street Community.

Grants were awarded to qualifying organizations that illustrated the need for improvements and the ability to execute an effective design plan for building facades, wayfinding signage, gateways, and streetscapes. 

Each new recipient is also required to match 25 percent of the funding received. Additional information about the Downtown Improvement Grant Program can be found online at

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