Rep. Tim Hicks passes TennCare for Working Individuals with Disabilities Act

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Tim Hicks, R-Gray, closed out the 113th General Assembly marking the passage of legislation to help expand TennCare access for employed Tennesseans with disabilities.

The TennCare for Working Individuals with Disabilities Act allows qualified disabled individuals to pay a premium to access Medicaid’s long-term support services if their income exceeds the current Medicaid eligibility requirements.

“No one should have to choose between working and losing access to necessary health care,” Hicks said. “This legislation allows disabled Tennesseans to continue receiving access to long-term services essential to their well-being without having to choose low-income work. I thank my colleagues on both sides for supporting the bill, which will improve the quality of life for many Tennesseans and strengthen our workforce.”

House Bill 2940 prohibits income, resources or maximum age from being factors in restricting eligibility for the program. A monthly premium must equal five percent of a participant’s countable income, according to the bill.

Currently, disabled Tennesseans who wish to work risk losing access to certain TennCare programs, making them choose between adequate health care or increased income levels through employment.

Forty-six other states have passed similar legislation improving the quality of life and health care options for disabled individuals.

State Rep. Tim Hicks represents House District 6, which includes part of Washington County.

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