Rep. Rose: The American People are Tired of Footing Bill for Green New Deal Agenda

Rep. Rose: The American People are Tired of Footing Bill for Green New Deal Agenda

WASHINGTON, DC—On Thursday, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor to highlight the impact higher gas prices and energy costs are having on American families.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Madam Speaker, in January 2021, the average price for a gallon of gas was $2.39 nationally. Today, it’s $3.49. And while we have seen worse, like two summers ago when the average hit $5 per gallon, current prices at the pump continue to hurt families across Tennessee.

They’re not only paying more to drive to work and take their kids to school. They’re also paying more to power their homes. Since President Biden took office, the average cost of a kilowatt of power is up 30%.

This is a direct result of the regulatory war waged on domestic oil and gas production. The current administration has taken more than 200 actions – all aimed at making American energy production more difficult – including killing the keystone pipeline on day one. 

Madam Speaker, The American people are tired of footing the bill for the Green New Deal agenda.

You can watch the speech here.

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