Rep. Rose Speaks on House Floor in Support of Israel

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) took to the House Floor Wednesday to express his unwavering support for Israel and its people.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, today, I rise in support of America’s greatest ally in the Middle East—Israel—its people, and its right to defend itself against the horrifying Hamas terrorist attacks that have taken the lives of so many innocent individuals—including thirty-three Americans.

Since that deadly attack, I have been working to assist Tennesseans and their families and friends in Israel in their attempts to come home. I have also joined Members of the Tennessee delegation in a letter to President Biden urging him to support Israel by any means possible, including by providing any weapons and munitions necessary and punishing all involved in aiding the Hamas terrorists.

And lastly, I was proud to be an original of this resolution we are here voting on today, which reaffirms our commitment to Israel and condemns Hamas’ brutal terrorist attacks.

Mister Speaker, we must do everything we can to protect and defend Israel.

You can watch the remarks here.

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