Rep. Rose Speaks in Support of SAVE Act, Ensuring Only Americans Vote

WASHINGTON, DC—On Tuesday, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke in favor of legislation aimed at safeguarding American elections.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Madam Speaker, only Americans should vote in American elections. That’s why I rise in support of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility or SAVE Act introduced by my friend from Texas, Mr. Roy.

This bill would require states to obtain proof of citizenship—in person—when registering an individual to vote and also requires states to remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls. These proposals are as commonsense as it gets.

Unfortunately, many on the other side disagree. While falsely alleging that the 2016 election was stolen due to foreign election interference, they ignore the very real threat of foreign election interference that currently exists.

Maybe if President Biden didn’t hold the door open for more than 9.6 million immigrants to enter our country illegally, this bill wouldn’t be necessary. But because he did, it is essential to pass the SAVE Act to uphold the integrity of our elections.

You can watch the speech here

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