Rep. Rose Releases Statement Following Vote on Motion to Vacate

Washington, DC—Today, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) issued the following statement:

“Since taking the majority in January, Republicans under Speaker McCarthy‘s leadership have kept our promise to pass legislation that secures our southern border, rein in Washington’s reckless spending, restore America’s energy independence, investigate the Biden Family’s shady business dealings, and restore the American people’s voice in the People’s House,” said Rep. Rose.

“Despite facing an uphill battle in divided government, we have continually delivered conservative victories for the American people. Those who sided with Democrats to vacate the chair are halting our progress implementing conservative policies that are true to Tennessee values. I believe that as we head into an ongoing spending fight with Schumer’s Senate and Biden’s White House, it is not in the best interest of all like-minded conservatives to take out our general in the middle of the battle.”

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