Rep. Rose Releases Statement Following ‘No’ on Short-Term Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 5860, a short-term government funding bill:

"I voted ‘NO’ on today’s Continuing Resolution (CR) because we are simply in too much debt and Tennesseans cannot continue to pay for the out-of-control spending enacted by Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer," said Rep. Rose. "In a classic demonstration of DC's dysfunction, at the 11th hour, Congress was given the doomsday scenario of shutting down the government or continuing the flawed spending policies that have resulted in record inflation. To me and my constituents—this is unacceptable, and just another reason why I voted ‘NO’ and remain committed to passing 12 single-subject appropriations bills that deliver conservative wins for the American people amidst divided government."

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