Rep. Rose Pledges Support for the Schools Not Shelters Act

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Monday in support of H.R. 3941, the Schools Not Shelters Act, which prohibits the use of public elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education to provide shelter for illegal immigrants.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Madam Speaker, this week, House Republicans are committed to fulfilling our Commitment to America to end President Biden’s border crisis and restore a nation that is safe.

Last month, the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning the use of public schools to house illegal immigrants. Now, this week we plan to pass H.R. 3941, the Schools Not Shelters Act, which prohibits the use of public elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education to provide shelter for illegal immigrants.

As many children across our country continue to recover from the pandemic-era learning loss, schools should be focused on helping students recover. By housing illegal immigrants on school campuses, children are being put at risk. And elected officials who endorse these plans are sending a clear message to children and parents that illegal immigrants and President Biden’s failure to secure the southern border matter more than their education.

Now, make no mistake—President Biden’s dangerous open-border policies are at fault for this dire situation. In his first 100 days, the president took more than 94 executive actions on immigration that immediately signaled to the world that our borders were open for illegal immigration, and they could count on President Biden to hold the door open for them—even if it meant sacrificing the safety and security of our country.

Since taking office, there have been over 5.5 million illegal crossing of our southern border while approximately 1.5 million illegal immigrants have evaded apprehension by our hardworking Customs and Border Patrol agents. This humanitarian crisis has gotten so bad that New York City’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement office is fully booked through October 2032.

If President Biden didn’t halt construction of the southern border wall, end President Trump’s successful Remain in Mexico policy, and conclude Title 42—I’m sure this historic crisis would not be this disastrous.

But just like we’ve seen with Bidenomics; Biden-gration has completely failed the American people.

You can watch the full speech here.

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