Rep. Rose on President Biden’s Border Bragging, Says He ‘Simply Cannot Rewrite History’

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Monday following recent boasting by President Biden surrounding border security following his executive order limiting daily asylum requests.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below: 

Mister Speaker, President Biden is attempting to gaslight the American people by touting a 40% drop in daily illegal border crossings from the last couple weeks.

He even implied that this so-called drop shows a more secure border than the one he inherited from President Trump. That is a lie. No matter what the border numbers from June turn out to be, one month won’t change the more than 9.6 million illegal immigrant encounters under this president.

Let’s look at the facts. May marked 39th straight months of more illegal immigrant encounters than even the highest month under the Trump Administration. President Biden simply cannot rewrite history.

Each time the president boasts about a drop in encounters, he is acknowledging that he could have acted three and a half years ago but instead put our nation at risk with his open-border policies. 

You can watch the speech here.

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