Rep. Rose On Leap Day: ‘An Extra Day Subject to Disastrous Economic Policies of Biden Admin’

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Wednesday, a day before Leap Day, to highlight the economic policies of the Biden Administration.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, tomorrow is Leap Day, which means the folks I represent in Tennessee will be subject to an extra day of the disastrous economic policies of the Biden Administration that have resulted in record-high inflation and an unaffordable cost of living.

Look no further, Mister Speaker, than a recent report that said December was the least affordable month on record to own a home as home prices hit an all-time high. December marked the 11th straight month of higher home prices and a 5% increase in prices over the entire year.

Coupled with higher interest rates thanks to the Biden Administration’s reckless deficit spending, the American Dream of owning a home is quickly evaporating. However, Mister Speaker, I am committed to passing policies that make purchasing and owning a home more affordable and lowering the cost of living for the average American and the Tennesseans I represent.

You can watch the full speech here.

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