Rep. Rose on GOP’s Commitment to Holding Government Accountable

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) addressed House Republicans’ Commitment to America on the House Floor Wednesday, specifically their efforts to hold the executive branch accountable.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, House Republicans are following through on our commitment to holding government accountable. Whether it be passing the REINS Act or the Separation of Powers Restoration Act or compelling many Biden Administration officials to testify for the first time in over a year, the American people can see we’re hard at work.

But there’s still work to do. Since the president took office, he’s finalized 644 new regulations, which come with a $376 billion price tag that negatively impacts our economy and require more than 230 million additional hours of paperwork.

Instead of burdening our job creators, House Republicans want to get government out of their way, through legislation like the CHOICE Arrangement Act. We’re also working to get government out of our kitchens, which is why we passed the Save Our Gas Stoves Act.

This administration has never met a regulation it didn’t like. But rest assured, the House will continue reining in the Biden Administration’s executive overreach.

You can watch the full speech here.

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