Rep. Rose: MNPD Chief Continues to Ignore Request for Information About Evidence Seized in Covenant School Shooting Case

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, U.S. Rep. John Rose released a statement after Metro Nashville Police Department Chief John Drake refused to respond to a letter, sent by the Representative 191 days ago, about the evidence seized in the Covenant School shooting investigation.

“Nashvillians and Tennesseans deserve greater transparency and responsiveness on an issue that so deeply affects our community,” Rep. Rose said. “Chief Drake has completely ignored my reasonable request for more information regarding the evidence seized in the Covenant School shooting. This lack of cooperation is leaving those of us in positions of leadership in the dark, without critical insights that may be helpful as we discuss policy solutions that may prevent future tragedies.”


On April 26, Rep. Rose sent a letter to MNPD Chief John Drake requesting that the materials seized in relation to the Covenant School shooting be released without delay. If that was not possible, Rep. Rose requested a written explanation and timeline as to when this information could be released.

Read Rep. Rose’s full letter here.

On May 31, a member of Congressman Rose’s staff learned the letter had been received, as confirmed by Chief Drake’s executive assistant, and that no response letter would be forthcoming.

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