Rep. Rose Highlights Impact of Inflation on July 4th Celebrations

WASHINGTON, DC—Ahead of the July 4th holiday, U.S. Representative Rose (TN-06) took to the House Floor to highlight the impact inflation is having on barbecues across the country.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, is below:

Madam Speaker, Tennesseans celebrating America’s independence will have to pay more for their Fourth of July barbecues thanks to President Biden’s disastrous economic policies that caused rampant inflation.

According to the American Farm Bureau, the cost of a cookout has reached record highs, 30% higher than just five years ago, or $71.22 for a ten-person barbecue.

Madam Speaker, while the president attempts to take away our freedoms by implementing his burdensome and wrongheaded policy agenda through executive action and administrative rulings, he is also undermining our ability to celebrate our freedoms by making almost everything more and more unaffordable.

Tennesseans have rightfully had enough and will have their voices heard this November. Until then, House Republicans are committed to holding the line on the Biden Administration’s desire to recklessly spend our country into oblivion.

You can watch the speech here.

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