Rep. Rose: FY24 NDAA Will Return Military’s Focus on Readiness, Not Progressive Posturing

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Thursday to praise the changes House Republicans have included in the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, one of the key tenets of House Republicans’ Commitment to America was restoring our nation’s safety and security.

That means passing a strong and fiscally responsible National Defense Authorization Act, otherwise known as the N-D-A-A, which is our country’s primary legislation authorizing spending levels and providing substantive policy directives for the United States Armed Forces and Department of Defense.

Thankfully, that’s exactly what House Republicans will be doing this week when we consider and pass the FY24 NDAA. The FY24 NDAA being considered by the House this week includes many priorities and provisions that Middle Tennesseans can be proud to support.

For starters, it ends the radical woke ideologies being forced on our service members by prohibiting funding for teaching Critical Race Theory. It repeals the authorization for the Department of Defense’s unnecessary Chief Diversity Officer and eliminates funding for drag shows and similar events.

Along with these commonsense measures that passed the House Armed Services Committee by a 48-1 vote, the National Defense Authorization Act gives our military the tools they need to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s aggression, increases oversight of the Biden Administration after their disastrous withdrawal of Afghanistan, and saves taxpayers $40 billion by cutting inefficient defense programs, obsolete weapon systems, and unnecessary Pentagon bureaucracy.

All in all, I believe this bill contains good provisions that return our military’s focus back on readiness and the defense of our nation—not wokeness and progressive posturing.

You can watch the full speech here

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