Rep. Rose: FAA Reauthorization Bill Will Impact Anyone Boarding a Plane in the U.S

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose spoke on the House Floor Wednesday night in support of H.R. 3935, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act, ahead of a vote on the legislation Thursday.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Madam Speaker, the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act will impact anyone boarding a plane in the United States.

The bill improves runway safety, enhances cybersecurity, and upgrades the all-important air traffic control system. It also works to address staffing shortages facing the airlines, the FAA, and the NTSB.

House Republicans have crafted an FAA authorization bill of substance, one that makes critical investments in aviation and promotes oversight over the agencies regulating the industry. And we’ll see even more oversight if my amendment is passed. It requires the Government Accountability Office to issue a report explaining what caused the thousands of flight cancellations around the July 4th holiday.

Madam Speaker, you won’t find many existing diversity and inclusion programs in this legislation, but you will find policies that make the skies safer for all passengers – no matter their race or background.

You can watch the full speech here.

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