Rep. Rose Denounces Bidenomics on House Floor

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Thursday to highlight the ongoing impacts of inflation over the last three years. Rep. Rose also reaffirmed House Republicans’ commitment to restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington.  

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, President Biden’s economic policies continue to wreak havoc with families across our country, including the Tennessee families I represent.

Costs have skyrocketed by 17.2% since the president was sworn in. The experts tell us these rising prices are a direct result of the deficit spending of the last three years and rising energy costs. And yet, this administration continues to borrow money and stifle American energy growth with multitudes of new and costly regulations.

When President Biden took office gas prices averaged less than $2 per gallon in Tennessee. Right now, they’re more than $3. This is a direct result of the president’s ongoing war against American energy production.

House Republicans remain committed to getting our fiscal house back in order by cutting deficit spending and passing legislation that robustly grows our economy to get us out of the red.

You can watch the full speech here.

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