Rep. Rose Celebrates Anniversary of Historic Dobbs Decision on House Floor

WASHINGTON, DC—U. S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) celebrated the anniversary of the historic Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson on the House Floor Tuesday and highlighted ongoing efforts to increase abortion access nationwide.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mr. Speaker, yesterday marked two years since the Supreme Court decision that restored the right to life for so many individuals. Since the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, an estimated 200,902 unborn children’s lives have been protected. This is a tremendous achievement.

Despite these major milestones in the fight to protect the lives of the unborn, Democrats across this country continue their efforts to allow for the limitless and disgusting desire to make America one of the most pro-abortion countries in the entire world.

It’s no secret, they’re saying the quiet part out loud, Mr. Speaker. Democrats plan to abolish the filibuster and pass legislation to ban states from having laws that protect unborn children and mandate all-trimester abortion in every state up until the moment a baby is born. This is unconscionable.

Thankfully, Tennesseans agreed and took decisive action to protect children. Since the Volunteer State’s pro-life protections went into place more than an estimated 12,000 lives have been protected annually. That’s more than 24,000 new Tennesseans who are a gift to this world that otherwise would not have been given the chance just a little over two years ago.

As a Christian, father to two young boys, and husband I will always stand for what’s right and be a voice for the voiceless. At a time in our world’s history where there are so many evils, I can’t think of many that are worse than the horror of abortion.

That’s why I am proud to have fought alongside countless others to overturn Roe v. Wade, pass pro-life legislation in the House, and fight back against the White House’s desire to allow for on-demand, taxpayer-funded abortion. Mr. Speaker, this is a cause worthy of fighting for.

You can watch the speech here

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