Rep. Rose Blasts Deficit Spending, Expresses Opposition to Biden Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) spoke on the House Floor Wednesday in opposition to President Biden’s recently-proposed $7.3 trillion budget. Rep. Rose also addressed rising inflation and the ballooning national debt.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, prices for everyday goods continue to climb due to the economic policies of the Biden Administration. The latest Consumer Price Index report was up 3.2% from last year.

I rise in support of the hardworking families I represent, who are making hard choices to stay afloat. If they’re having to tighten their belts, the federal government should do the same.

President Biden’s answer is to raise taxes even more, but we don’t have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.

In Fiscal Year 2022, the federal government collected $850 billion more in tax revenue than the year before. Yet, the federal government spent $1.4 trillion more than we brought in. Last fiscal year, the government spent $1.7 trillion more than it collected.

That’s just one of many reasons why I am opposed to the President’s $7.3 trillion budget. We cannot continue spending money we don’t have.

You can watch the speech here.

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