Rep. Ogles’ Statement Regarding College Education

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Ogles issued the following statement regarding his educational background:

“I incorrectly stated my degree from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) was in International Relations when it is actually in Liberal Studies. For that, I apologize.

During my senior year of college, I transferred to MTSU to pursue a degree in Political Science and International Relations. Due to an interfamilial matter, I dropped out of college and returned home to financially support my family during a difficult time. Though leaving school was a difficult decision, it was the right one to make and I would do the same thing again today; even though withdrawing left several incomplete grades that would ultimately be registered as failing.

In the mid-2000s, as a non-traditional student, I set out to finish my final semester at MTSU through their distance learning program. I wanted to set an example for our daughter, demonstrating the importance of finishing what you start. Working with a counselor, I was advised to take twelve credit hours, as well as complete a three hour senior project in order to obtain my degree. 

After completing the online courses, I was awarded a Bachelor of Science and MTSU mailed me my degree a few months later. At the time, it was my understanding I had completed my course of study in Political Science and International Relations.

Last week, I requested an official copy of my transcript and learned that I was actually awarded a broader degree in Liberal Studies with minors in Political Science and English.

I look forward to continually showing our three children the importance of finishing what you start, never giving up, and overcoming past adversity.”

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