Rep. Ogles Sends Letter To President Biden Regarding Wavering Position On Israel

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05), along with several of his Republican colleagues, sent a letter to President Biden demanding he make a statement of unwavering support for Israel. This comes after concerning remarks by Democrats to make support for Israel conditional.

Congressman Ogles stated: 

“America cannot falter in its support of Israel. The Biden Administration has failed to uphold and strengthen the relationship between the United States and Israel. There are members of the Democrat party suggesting that our support of the nation should be limited, which only serves to strengthen Israel’s enemies. On Biden’s watch, Iran has been given unprecedented negotiating leverage, and elected Democrat officials are taking advantage, using every opportunity to marginalize America’s most important relationship. President Biden needs to exert real leadership, condemn the statements of the far Left “Hamas Caucus”, and unequivocally reiterate our nation’s unwavering support for Israel.”

Sarah Stern, Founder and President of the Endowment for Middle Tennessee East Truth stated:

“EMET expresses its most profound gratitude to Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN)  as well as Representatives Diana Harshbarger, (R-TN), Randy Weber, (R-TX), Nancy Mace, (R-SC),  Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), for an excellent letter to President Biden specifically outlining why now is precisely not the time to abandon our ally, Israel. The letter comes in response to some members on the extreme left who have implied that now is the time to cut off aid to Israel. 

The Ogles letter clearly articulates the existential danger that Israel is up against, and that the very real threats that surround the state of Israel also have a great impact upon the national security interests of the United States.  It outlines, among other things, what it calls “a counterproductive appeasement strategy towards Iran”, while the Islamic Republic continues to violate terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, including the cap on Iranian enrichment at 3.67 percent, with traces found near the Fordow facility of 83.7 percent as well as the Iranian sale of drones to Moscow. It also mentions the Persian “land bridge” stretching from Tehran to Baghdad, to Damascus to Beirut to the Mediterranean, the 150,000 missiles that Israel has staring down at them from southern Lebanon and Syria, and the provision of munitions from Iran to terrorist entities such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah within Judea and Samaria. The letter clearly states that as radical members of Congress have called for restricting support for Israel, the leader of the Iranian Quds force, Esmail Qaani,  was meeting with leaders of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah inciting them to increase attacks on civilians living in Israel.

We, at EMET remain deeply and eternally grateful for the wisdom of Representative Ogles and his colleagues for understanding and appreciating that in the eyes of many of Israel’s enemies, the existence of Israel and that of the United States are intrinsically linked together. Those that harbor antipathy and enmity towards Israel also harbor antipathy and enmity towards the United States. Israel is simply the proverbial “canary on the coal mine.”

Cosigners: Reps. Diana Harshbarger [TN-01], Randy Weber [TX-14], Nancy Mace [SC-01], Andy Biggs [AZ-05], Jeff Duncan [SC-03], and Barry Moore [AL-02]. 


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