Rep. Ogles Recounts Border Trip Amidst Spending Negotiations

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) wrapped up the House’s August recess with a trip to the U.S./Mexico border in Arizona. During his trip, the Congressman assessed first-hand the state of the border’s integrity and lack of security. As Washington politicians are in the middle of spending negotiations, Congressman Ogles and his House Freedom Caucus colleagues are doubling down on a clear message to the leadership in Congress and President Biden: No security, no funding.

He recounted the following:

“It’s shocking to see first hand. We have known for years now that the Biden Administration has been derelict in its duty to secure our southern border, leading to millions of illegal crossings, an unprecedented fentanyl crisis, and an increase in violent crime across the U.S. Still, I was not prepared for just how appalling the situation is. Some wall sections have been removed for ‘deer crossings,’ but the evidence is overwhelming that this is not the case.

Instead, the areas surrounding these deliberate openings are littered with trash, clothing, carpet shoes, and even abandoned birth control from women and girls forced to ‘pay their way’ to the States. It is an absolute disaster. According to recent reports, the U.S./Mexico border is the most dangerous migration route in the world.

Something needs to be done immediately to curb this crisis. As we look at the spending proposals on the table, it is evident that a condition of any legislation being considered needs to deal with the border. I have personally introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden and Vice President Harris. I have also cosponsored Congressman Andy Biggs’ (AZ-05) articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Furthermore, I have introduced the Stop the Invasion Act and voted in favor of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023.

Instead of rebuilding the wall in places it has been torn down for the ‘deer,’ President Biden is selling off the materials purchased using taxpayer dollars and halting any future construction. It is unfathomable how utterly out of touch with the situation the Washington Democrats are and that the White House is essentially encouraging more folks to make the treacherous journey to illegally enter the United States.

And once illegal aliens arrive, they are placed in overcrowded detention facilities that lack the infrastructure to meet the ever-growing demands. Towns along the border are ghosts of what they once were, completely overwhelmed and overrun by illegals and makeshift facilities to house them.

As we consider a continuing resolution this month, I am more committed than ever to ensuring that we get the southern border under control once and for all. The Biden Administration has stood by for over two years and watched American communities be destroyed and people die. The neglect has to come to an end, and I will not compromise. No security, no funding. Period.”


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