Rep. Ogles Leads Republicans To Defend Gun Rights

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) and Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-14) are leading a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson requesting that he opposes any permanent reauthorization or expansion of the Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA). Not only is the UFA  deviously unconstitutional by restricting the rights of Americans to build lifesaving weapons,   but it intentionally bans numerous polymer firearm parts that are featured in many popular pistols and rifles. Additionally, reinstating the UFA could mean that the weaponized and tyrannical Biden-ATF can ban ALL guns by simply classifying any parts banned in the UFA as “frames” or “receivers, adhering to their recent guidance on frames and receivers. 

Rep Ogles said: “The Undetectable Firearms Act is an abomination to American principles. I urge Speaker Johnson to oppose any reauthorization or expansion of the UFA. Defending freedom requires courage to take a stand, and I am proud to lead the fight to defend lawful gun owners across the nation.”

Rep. Massie said: “In 2013, I was the only one on the floor of the House to object to reauthorizing the Undetectable Firearms Act,” said Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY). “Now, I think we have the momentum to stop it.”

Rep. Owens said: “The right to bear arms is fundamental to preserving the liberties and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution," said Rep. Burgess Owens. "The Undetectable Firearms Act imposes unnecessary and unconstitutional burdens on law-abiding gun owners, and I urge Speaker Johnson to stand against any permanent reauthorization or expansion. House Republicans must stand strong in safeguarding the Second Amendment rights of all Americans."

Rep Hageman said: “The Biden administration, this time through the ATF, continues to do everything in its power to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. This law is no longer a tool to ensure safety, as technology has changed - it is now being used as a method of gun control. It’s time to eliminate the outdated Undetectable Firearms Act and ensure our Constitutional rights are protected.”

Rep. Cammack said: “Efforts to permanently reauthorize the Undetectable Firearms Act are a blatant disservice to the American people,” said Congresswoman Kat Cammack. “In light of the ATF’s recent rulemaking trend that blatantly attacks the Second Amendment, Congress must reassert its legislative authority and defend the Second Amendment. I’m glad to join with Reps. Ogles and Massie on this effort.”

Rep. Burchett said: “Once again, the ATF is working to push policies that turn thousands of law-abiding gun owners into criminals instead of enforcing the laws we already have. If the ATF wants to do some real good, it should work on punishing actual violent offenders instead of extending bills like the Undetectable Firearms Act that targets folks legally exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

Rep. Guest said: “I’m proud to join a letter to Speaker Johnson asking that the Undetectable Firearms Act not be permanently extended. Speaker Johnson has been a longtime advocate for gun rights, and I am confident in his support for upholding our individual liberties as the House considers critical legislation. I will always protect our Second Amendment rights and stand on the Constitutional freedoms that we as Americans have been guaranteed.”

Rep. Higgins said: “I oppose all executive actions that restrict Constitutional rights and freedoms. Anti-2A measures will not stop criminals from acquiring firearms and carrying out acts of evil. I will not comply with unconstitutional oppression, and I will continue to stand in defense of the Second Amendment.” 

Rep. Steube said: “I oppose any reauthorization or expansion of the Undetectable Firearms Act. At every turn, the Biden Administration has weaponized the federal government to trample on our Second Amendment rights, including utilizing the Undetectable Firearms Act to justify a widespread plastic gun ban. Reauthorizing or expanding this archaic law would only open the door for the Biden Administration to target more lawful gun owners,” 

Rep. Brecheen said: “The Biden Administration has already shown that it is willing to use the Undetectable Firearms Act to outlaw guns with plastic parts in an effort to disarm thousands of law-abiding citizens. This anti-gun and outdated statute is a violation of Americans’ constitutional rights and we must oppose any permanent reauthorization or expansion of it.”

Rep. Weber said: “House Republicans must fight tooth and nail to protect everyday Americans from unconstitutional attacks on the Second Amendment. Any notion or mention of reauthorizing or expanding this outrageous bill to impose useless standards on firearms must be declared dead on arrival in the People’s House. We must stand strong and fight for every single law-abiding gun owner.”

Rep. Good said: “The reauthorization of the Undetectable Firearms Act is another attempt at gun control by the Biden Administration. House Republicans should join together and fight back against a weaponized DOJ as it continues its infringement on the God-given Second Amendment Rights of Americans. I am thankful to join my colleagues Rep. Ogles and Rep. Massie in their effort to champion constitutional rights of lawful gun owners across America.”

Rep. Lesko said: “As a staunch conservative and proud supporter of the Second Amendment, I understand the importance of taking action to protect Americans' rights to keep and bear arms. That's why I oppose any expansion of the Undetectable Firearms Act. Congress must hold the line to safeguard our liberties for our children and grandchildren.”

Rep. Burlison said: “The Undetectable Firearms Act is not only outdated but it also goes against American values. The ownership of firearms, regardless of the material they are made from, should not be a cause for suspicion or government involvement. As Republicans, we should firmly support the rights of gun owners. This law significantly hurts law-abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights, and if reauthorized, could instantly criminalize nearly 40 million pistols owned by Americans. Congress should oppose any efforts to expand or renew this law. We must resist government overreach that encroaches on the liberties of the American people.”

Rep. Finstad said: “The decades-old Undetectable Firearms Act is antiquated legislation that has been weaponized to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens. I am proud to join my fellow Republicans in urging Speaker Johnson to oppose any efforts to reauthorize this legislation, which would continue to pose undue regulations on the gun-owning community.”

Rep. Babin said: “Clearly, Republicans are alone in understanding the meaning of ‘shall not be infringed.’ I am proud to join Representatives Ogles and Massie in opposing the reauthorization or expansion of antiquated firearm detectability laws. Pairing these obsolete laws with President Biden’s overreaching ATF, especially with the bureau’s proposed firearm reclassifications still being considered in the courts, would seriously threaten the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.” 

Rep. Harshbarger said: “Biden’s weaponized ATF has demonstrated they will stop at nothing to erode our God-given right to keep and bear arms,” said Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger. “The reauthorization of the Undetectable Firearms Act would allow the ATF to continue their assault on our Constitutional rights and law-abiding firearm owners. It is crucial that Congress takes action to prevent this administration from continuing their attacks on our 2nd Amendment.”

Rep. Rosendale said: “The Undetectable Firearms Act is one of the largest infringements on the 2nd Amendment that has ever passed through Congress,” said Rep. Rosendale. “The reauthorization or expansion of this ban will only serve to further separate Americans from the inalienable rights that were written into our constitution over 200 years ago. I oppose this legislation that will lead to the disarming of law-abiding citizens and the swift degradation of our Montana way of life.”

Cosigners (74): Reps. Andy Ogles [TN-05], Thomas Massie [KY-04], Scott Perry [PA-10], Rep. Jeff Duncan [SC-03], Andy Biggs [AZ-05], Matt Rosendale [MT-02], Marjorie Taylor Greene [GA-14], Lauren Boebert [CO-03], Randy Weber [TX-14], Eric Burlison [MO-07], Bob Good [VA-05], Tom McClintock [CA-05], Bill Posey [FL-08], W. Gregory Steube [FL-17], Paul Gosar [AZ-09], Glenn Grothman [WI-06], Mike Collins [GA-10], Diana Harshbarger [TN-01], Alex Mooney [WV-02], Anna Paulina Luna [FL-13], Chip Roy [TX-21], Warren Davidson [OH-08], Harriet M. Hageman [WY-AL], John Rose [TN-06], Jack Bergman [MI-01], Mary Miller [IL-15], Gary Palmer [AL-06], Kat Cammack [FL-03], Keith Self [TX-03], Lisa McClain [MI-09], Clay Higgins [LA-03], Barry Moore [AL-02], Andy Harris [MD-01], Mike Ezell [MS-04], Matt Gaetz [FL-01], Byron Donalds [FL-19], Debbie Lesko [AZ-08], Virginia Foxx [NC-05], Tom Tiffany [WI-07], Michael Cloud [TX-27], Dan Bishop [NC-08], Josh Brecheen [OK-02], Burgess Owens [UT-04], Ronny Jackson [TX-13], Trent Kelly [MS-01], Brad Finstad [MN-01], Laurel Lee [FL-15], Brian Babin [TX-36], Garrett Graves [LA-06], Ben Cline [VA-06], Lance Gooden [TX-05], Michael Guest [MS-03], Tim Burchett [TN-02], Michelle Fischbach [MN-07], Rich McCormick [GA-06], Ralph Norman [SC-05], William Timmons [SC-04], Scott DesJarlais [TN-04], Randy Feenstra [IA-04], Mike Bost [IL-12], Andrew Clyde [GA-09], Claudia Tenney [NY-24], Morgan Luttrell [TX-08], Rudy Yakym [IN-02], Mike Kelly [PA-16], Nathaniel Moran [TX-01], Mark Alford [MO-04], Kelly Armstrong [ND-AL], Neal Dunn [FL-02], Pete Sessions [TX-17], James Comer [KY-01], Jerry Carl [AL-01], Ashley Hinson [IA-02], Dusty Johnson [SD-AL]

Supporting Groups (27):

Gun Owners of America

Heritage Action for America* (is specifically expressing public support for the policy position described in the letter)

National Association for Gun Rights

American Firearms Association

Gun Owners of California

Tennessee Firearms Association

Iowa Gun Owners

Missouri Firearms Coalition

Wyoming Gun Owners

Georgia Gun Owners

Indiana Firearms Coalition

Washington Gun Rights

NYS Firearms Association

Minnesota Gun Rights

Michigan Firearms Association

Wisconsin Firearms Coalition

Ohio Gun Owners

Pennsylvania Firearms Association

Florida Gun Owners

North Carolina Firearms Coalition

Tennessee Gun Owners

Alabama Firearms Association

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

Hoosier Gun Rights

Florida Gun Rights

Pennsylvania Gun Rights

Palmetto Gun Rights

Texas Gun Rights

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