Rep. Ogles Introduces The Hot Showers Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced legislation to require the Biden Administration to remove a proposed rule that would significantly limit the availability of water heaters in the United States. The proposed rule would impose stringent standards on water heater manufacturers to increase so-called ‘climate benefits’ and, in turn, dramatically lower the availability of reliable water heaters, all while hiking up the cost for Americans. 

“Joe Biden’s climate crusade has gone too far. He has weaponized the federal rulemaking process to place non-electric technology off the market artificially. When it seemed like prices couldn’t get any higher, this rule continues that trend and bankrupts consumers even more.” said Congressman Ogles. “I will always fight against any ‘Green New Deal’ directive that actively targets consumers and puts America last. Dealing with big government is stressful enough, and a good cure for those woes is a long hot shower. But, like most good things, Joe Biden wants to take that away from you too.”

“Seniors will face significant increases in maintenance costs for water heaters already in operation as they attempt to comply with this rule. This will further stress their cash flow that is already compromised due to Bidenomics.” - Bob Carlstrom, President of AMAC Action

DOE’s proposed rule would raise water heater costs while compromising features and performance. This bill would stop the regulators and protect consumers.” - Ben Lieberman, Senior Fellow,  Competitive Enterprise Institute

“This is a critical step in preventing the government from making another attack on American families just trying to live their lives without government controlling every aspect of their lives, including the simple freedom to heat water.” - Rep. Scott Perry (PA-10)

“From gas stoves to dishwashers, and now showers—the Biden Administration continues to sacrifice consumer choice and the American way of life just to push its extreme climate agenda. Their proposed rule would force reliable and affordable water heaters off the market, making it harder on the wallets of Central Washingtonians and the American people who are tired of the government trying to overregulate our lives. - Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04)

The Department of Energy’s proposed rule will do nothing but burden Americans further with nonsensical green new deal requirements on their hot water heaters. It’s not the job of the government to regulate every facet of American life, from banning gas stoves, forcing everyone to drive electric cars, and limiting hot water heaters. These bureaucrat designed rules are being made to purposefully inflict misery on our citizens. Are we seriously talking about restricting hot water now- an essential for cleaning as well as hygiene? How about Department of energy permit some new power plants and we leave American Citizens to purchase what they want. I’m happy to cosponsor this bill to stop the Biden Administration’s assault on families.” - Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01)

“From gas stoves to electric vehicles, and now hot water heaters, it seems that the Biden administration will stop at nothing to ensure its ‘clean energy’ agenda is accomplished. The Hot Showers Act will stop the latest encroachment on American energy freedom that our citizens deserve.” - Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Cosigners [12]: Reps. Scott Perry (PA-10), Dan Newhouse (WA-04), Glenn Grothman (WI-06),  Andrew Clyde (GA-09), Darell Issa (CA-48), Joe Wilson (SC-02), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), David Rouzer (NC-07), Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Brian Babin (TX-36), and John Moolenaar (MI-02). 

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