Rep. Ogles Introduces The Defund The Otf Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced the Defund the OTF Act of 2023. This legislation would prohibit any federal funding to the Open Technology Fund (OTF).

 “The Defund the OTF Act is a necessary step in returning fiscal responsibility to our federal government. The Open Technology Fund has happily taken taxpayer dollars while ignoring basic oversight requests,” said Congressman Ogles. “As if that isn't enough, the taxpayer-funded OTF spent millions of dollars inflating staff salaries, hosting a lavish overseas conference, and funding an irresponsible, leftist social agenda. It is time for Congress to send a message to corrupt bureaucrats that wokeness and reckless spending will not go without consequences.”

Cosponsors [4]: Reps. Clay Higgins (LA-03), Scott Perry (PA-10), Lauren Boebert (CO-03), and Paul Gosar (AZ-09).

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