Rep. Ogles Introduces The Covenant School Heroes Congressional Gold Medal Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced legislation to honor Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo with a Congressional Gold Medal for their heroic efforts during the heartbreaking shooting at the Covenant School on March, 27th, 2023.

“The community of the Covenant School in Nashville will never be the same. The losses of Hallie Scruggs, Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, Dr. Katherine Koonce, Mark Hill, and Cynthia Peak will be felt for the rest of our earthly lives,” said Congressman Ogles. “I applaud the swift and courageous action of MNPD Officers Engelbert and Collazo, which stopped the threat of further destruction and saved the lives of additional children and staff.”

“In the face of danger, Officers Engelbert and Collazo ran headfirst without hesitation. Their heroic actions were exemplary and selfless,” said Congressman Ogles. “Such bravery and valor deserve honor, which is why I have introduced the Covenant School Heroes Congressional Gold Medal Act. Officer Engelbert and Officer Collazo, thank you for your dedication to protecting your community from evil actors.”

Cosponsors: Reps. Mark Green (TN-07), Tim Burchett (TN-02), Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann (TN-03), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14), Lance Gooden (TX-05), Keith Self (TX-03), Troy E. Nehls (TX-22), Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Cory Mills (FL-07), Burgess Owens (UT-04), Michael Guest (MS-03), Eric Burlison (MO-07), and Andrew Clyde (GA-09).


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