Rep. Ogles Introduces Text Of Aitken Bible Into The Congressional Record

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced the text of the Aitken Bible into the Congressional Record and offered an accompanying resolution to recognize Robert Aitken’s Bible as a historical document of the United States Congress.

“Robert Aitken’s Bible is significant to American history for several reasons. It was the first Bible printed in English in North America and also the first Bible to be approved and recommended by the American Congress,” said Congressman Ogles. “ Our Founders keenly understood the importance of religious liberty, and I remain thankful for their integrity in recognizing the Holy Scriptures as a document worth protecting. I am proud to have submitted the Aitken Bible into the Congressional Record to ensure this document is made public to the American people.”

Cosponsors: Reps. Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Barry Moore (AL-02), Chris Stewart (UT-02), Paul Gosar (AZ-09), and Michael Cloud (TX-27).

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