Rep. Ogles Introduces Teach Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced the Teachers Empowered Against Classroom Harm (TEACH) Act. This bill would expand access to firearms for educators in order to protect their classrooms.

“The TEACH Act would harden schools by allowing teachers and school staff the option to participate in defensive training programs aimed at protecting schools and their children. Right now, Education Secretary Cardona has a personal slush fund of over $27.5 million dollars - instead of using that money to advance the Left’s indoctrination campaign, we should work to ensure that our kids are safe from armed intruders,” said Congressman Ogles. “We will never be able to ban the intentions of evil people but we can allow responsible men and women of good will to equip themselves in order to stop bad actors in their tracks. This bill would help make our students, educators, and classrooms safer.”

“The Democrat approach to gun violence in schools has repeatedly failed and infringed on our Second Amendment rights. Hardening American schools is an effective first step to keep our children safe from armed intruders and does not penalize law-abiding gun owners. I applaud Congressman Ogles’ latest legislation that allows us to better harden schools and protect our children from gun violence.” - Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05)

"In 2021, 49% of all active shooters were stopped by armed civilians. If Congress is serious about preventing school shootings, it needs to harden schools, allow teachers to take self-defense training, and modernize school firearm policies when over half of states recognize Constitutional Carry. Protecting the Second Amendment is the most effective way to prevent violence in our communities and to stop school shootings. Gun free zones are dangerous, since they create vulnerable targets. Republicans need to defeat the myth that gun control is the solution to school shootings, and we need to show that we are serious about protecting the Second Amendment while also protecting students from evil murderers." - Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (CO-03)

"GOA is proud to endorse this legislation from Rep. Ogles. At GOA we've been championing the need to harden schools, which comes in many forms. Whether it's arming willing teachers or empowering parents, these policies play a major role in deterring violence at schools. There's a reason that no school shooting has occurred at a school with armed teachers, and Rep. Ogles' legislation will play a critical role in hardening schools by creating a pool of federal funds to train willing teachers and modernizing school firearms policies at a time where over half of the United States recognize Constitutional Carry." - Aiden Johnston, Gun Owners of America Director of Federal of Affairs

Cosponsors (11): Reps. Lauren Boebert (CO-03), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Troy Nehls (TX-22), Alex Mooney (WV-02), Barry Moore (AL-02), Mark Amodei (NV-02), Andrew Clyde (GA-09), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14).

Supporting Group: Gun Owners of America

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